Goodash - Tailwind Dashboard Material Design 3

4 ratings

Goodash is a Tailwind Dashboard Material Design 3 Template that offers advanced tools to significantly reduce your development time. Goodash seamlessly integrates these elements, resulting in an admin dashboard that not only looks great but also intuitively guides users.

Live Demo:

Goodash Bundle Version Available in here

Built with "Material Design 3", the latest version of Google's open source design system will guarantee good design quality and up to date.

Providing a complete collection of components that empower you to create visually stunning and highly functional dashboards. Each component is meticulously designed and optimized to enhance the user experience and simplify the dashboard creation process.

Tailwind Dashboard Prebuild Pages

  • Analytics Dashbaord
  • Audience Dashboard
  • Traffics Dashboard
  • Crm Dashboard
  • Ecommerce Dashboard
  • Project Dashboard
  • Sales Dashboard
  • Smarthome Dashboard
  • Social Feed
  • Inbox Email
  • Kanban Board
  • Opportunities
  • And many more…

Goodash Tailwind Dashboard Features

  • Material Design 3
  • Tailwind CSS 3
  • Integrated Gulp & Browsersync
  • Vanilla Javascript
  • Prebuild Tailwind components
  • Light & Dark mode
  • 4 layouts variation
  • 5 example theme colors
  • Fully Responsive
  • Trusted Support
  • Constantly Updates
  • Well Documented
  • And many more…

Looking to quickly add Goodash components to your project? Please read our documentation in "goodash/docs/index.html" and follow instruction step by step. All components is well documented with live examples.

Happy with our product ? Please give 5 stars rating, because this will support our team to make more new features in next update.

NOTE: This is Html template ( Not include Wordpress or Any cms )

Need Others Version ?

React Vite :

Next Js Version:


Version ( 2.0.0 ) - June 19, 2024

  • Replace all major javascript with Alpinejs
  • Add RTL Mode with direction logic classes
  • Replace Dragula js with Alpine Sort
  • Update customizer theme with new version
  • Update all vendors with latest version
  1. Update Gulp Build System with Gulpfile.mjs

November 21, 2023 (Version 1.1.0)

  • Update Tabs javascript
  • Update Accordions
  • Update Javascript with Modern Style

August 15, 2023 (Version 1.0.0)

  • Initial Release
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You'll Get Goodash - Tailwind Dashboard Material Design 3

Last update
June 19, 2024
Tailwind css & Alpine Js
Include files
html, css, javascript, npm tools, docs
Html Template Alpine js
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Goodash - Tailwind Dashboard Material Design 3

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